path: root/apps/blog/utils.scm
diff options
authorAndreas Widen <>2023-11-25 17:21:37 +0100
committerAndreas Widen <>2023-11-25 17:21:37 +0100
commit1b2b7c3eb939724696894f31ff27db97b0cac84c (patch)
treeefb7b7746a628efb7bb99b2e44c9c2fbfd75b656 /apps/blog/utils.scm
Initial commit.
Signed-off-by: Andreas Widen <>
Diffstat (limited to 'apps/blog/utils.scm')
1 files changed, 143 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/apps/blog/utils.scm b/apps/blog/utils.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6a3c4b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apps/blog/utils.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
+;;; Harmonic Flow web site
+(define-module (apps blog utils)
+ #:use-module (apps aux lists)
+ #:use-module (apps aux web)
+ #:use-module (apps i18n)
+ #:use-module (haunt post)
+ #:use-module (ice-9 match)
+ #:use-module (srfi srfi-1)
+ #:use-module (srfi srfi-19)
+ #:use-module (syntax-highlight)
+ #:use-module (syntax-highlight scheme)
+ #:use-module (syntax-highlight lexers)
+ #:export (post-groups->tag-list
+ post-url-path
+ posts/latest
+ syntax-highlight
+ change-image-to-video
+ tag-first?
+ tag-system-path
+ tag-url-path))
+(define (post-groups->tag-list groups)
+ "Return a list of Haunt tags from the list of grouped posts.
+ GROUPS (association list)
+ An association list of tags mapped to posts, as returned by the
+ posts/group-by-tag procedure from (haunt post) module."
+ (cond ((null? groups) '())
+ (else
+ (cons (car (first groups))
+ (post-groups->tag-list (rest groups))))))
+(define (post-url-path post)
+ "Return a URL path for the POST in the form blog/YYYY/POST-SLUG.
+ POST (<post>)
+ A post object as defined in (haunt post) module."
+ ;; Note: End the path with a slash so 'localized-root-path' down the road
+ ;; prepends the language tag.
+ (url-path-join "blog"
+ (date->string (post-date post) "~Y")
+ (post-slug post)
+ ""))
+(define (posts/latest posts n)
+ "Return the latest N posts from the given list of posts."
+ (let ((latest-posts (posts/reverse-chronological posts)))
+ (cond
+ ((null? posts) '())
+ ((<= (length posts) n) latest-posts)
+ (else (list-head latest-posts n)))))
+(define (tag-first? tag-a tag-b)
+ "Return true if TAG-A goes first than TAG-B alphabetically.
+ This predicate is used for sorting tags.
+ TAG-A, TAG-B (string)
+ A tag as used by Haunt posts. For example: 'User interface'."
+ (string<? (string-downcase tag-a) (string-downcase tag-b)))
+(define (tag-system-path tag)
+ "Return a system path for the TAG in the form blog/tags/TAG-SLUG.
+ The path is relative to the website directory.
+ TAG (string)
+ A tag as used by Haunt posts. For example: 'Scheme API'."
+ (string-append "blog/tags/" (slugify tag)))
+(define (tag-url-path tag)
+ "Return a URL path for the TAG in the form blog/tags/TAG-SLUG.
+ TAG (string)
+ A tag as used by Haunt posts. For example: 'Scheme API'."
+ ;; Note: End the path with a slash so 'localized-root-path' down the road
+ ;; prepends the language tag.
+ (url-path-join "blog" "tags" (slugify tag) ""))
+;;; Syntax highlighting.
+(define %default-special-prefixes
+ '("define" "syntax"))
+(define lex-scheme/guix
+ ;; Specialized lexer for the Scheme we use in Guix.
+ ;; TODO: Add #~, #$, etc.
+ (make-scheme-lexer (cons* "with-imported-modules"
+ "gexp" "ungexp"
+ "ungexp-native" "ungexp-splicing"
+ "ungexp-native-splicing"
+ "mlet" "mlet*"
+ "match"
+ %default-special-symbols)
+ %default-special-prefixes))
+(define (syntax-highlight sxml)
+ "Recurse over SXML and syntax-highlight code snippets."
+ (match sxml
+ ;; sceheme:
+ ;;(('code ('@ ('class "language-scheme")) code-snippet)
+ ;; `(code ,(highlights->sxml
+ ;; (highlight lex-scheme/guix code-snippet))))
+ ((tag ('@ attributes ...) body ...)
+ `(,tag (@ ,@attributes) ,@(map syntax-highlight body)))
+ ((tag body ...)
+ `(,tag ,@(map syntax-highlight body)))
+ ((? string? str)
+ str)))
+(define (change-image-to-video sxml)
+ "Replace <img> tags in SXML that refer to WebM videos with proper <video>
+tags. This hack allows one to refer to a video from a Markdown document."
+ (match sxml
+ (('img ('@ attributes ...) body ...)
+ (let ((src (match (assoc 'src attributes)
+ ((_ url) url)))
+ (alt (match (assoc 'alt attributes)
+ ((_ text) text))))
+ (if (string-suffix? ".webm" src)
+ `(video (@ (src ,src)
+ (poster ,(string-append src ".poster.png"))
+ (controls "controls"))
+ (p ,(G_ `(a (@ (href ,src) (class "link-subtle"))
+ "Download video."))))
+ sxml)))
+ ((tag ('@ attributes ...) body ...)
+ `(,tag (@ ,@attributes) ,@(map change-image-to-video body)))
+ ((tag body ...)
+ `(,tag ,@(map change-image-to-video body)))
+ ((? string? str)
+ str)))