path: root/sexp-xgettext.scm
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authorAndreas Widen <>2023-11-25 17:21:37 +0100
committerAndreas Widen <>2023-11-25 17:21:37 +0100
commit1b2b7c3eb939724696894f31ff27db97b0cac84c (patch)
treeefb7b7746a628efb7bb99b2e44c9c2fbfd75b656 /sexp-xgettext.scm
Initial commit.
Signed-off-by: Andreas Widen <>
Diffstat (limited to 'sexp-xgettext.scm')
1 files changed, 514 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/sexp-xgettext.scm b/sexp-xgettext.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7277e4b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sexp-xgettext.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,514 @@
+;;; Harmonic Flow web site
+(define-module (sexp-xgettext)
+ #:use-module (ice-9 match)
+ #:use-module (ice-9 peg)
+ #:use-module (ice-9 rdelim)
+ #:use-module (ice-9 receive)
+ #:use-module (ice-9 regex)
+ #:use-module (srfi srfi-1) ;lists
+ #:use-module (srfi srfi-9) ;records
+ #:export (set-complex-keywords!
+ set-simple-keywords!
+ sgettext
+ sngettext
+ spgettext
+ snpgettext
+ %linguas))
+(define %complex-keywords
+ ;; Use set-complex-keywords! to change this to a list of keywords
+ ;; for sexp-xgettext functions other than sgettext.
+ (make-parameter '()))
+(define (set-complex-keywords! kw)
+ (%complex-keywords kw))
+(define %simple-keywords
+ ;; Use set-simple-keywords! to change this to a list of keywords
+ ;; for sgettext.
+ (make-parameter '()))
+(define (set-simple-keywords! kw)
+ (%simple-keywords kw))
+(define (gettext-keyword? id)
+ (or (member id (%complex-keywords))
+ (member id (%simple-keywords))))
+;;COPIED FROM scripts/sexp-xgettext.scm:
+(define* (tag counter prefix #:key (flavor 'start))
+ "Formats the number COUNTER as a tag according to FLAVOR, which is
+either 'start, 'end or 'empty for a start, end or empty tag,
+ (string-append "<"
+ (if (eq? flavor 'end) "/" "")
+ prefix
+ (number->string counter)
+ (if (eq? flavor 'empty) "/" "")
+ ">"))
+;;END COPIED FROM scripts/sexp-xgettext.scm
+;;ADAPTED FROM scripts/sexp-xgettext.scm
+(define-record-type <construct-fold-state>
+ (make-construct-fold-state msgid-string maybe-part counter)
+ construct-fold-state?
+ ;; msgid constructed so far; #f if none, "" if only empty string
+ (msgid-string construct-fold-state-msgid-string)
+ ;; only append this if string follows:
+ (maybe-part construct-fold-state-maybe-part)
+ ;; counter for next tag:
+ (counter construct-fold-state-counter))
+;;END ADAPTED FROM scripts/sexp-xgettext.scm
+(define (sexp->msgid exp)
+ "Return the msgid as constructed by construct-msgid-and-po-entries
+in scripts/sexp-xgettext.scm from the expression EXP."
+ (let loop ((exp exp)
+ (prefix ""))
+ (match exp
+ (() "")
+ ((or ('quote inner-exp)
+ ('quasiquote inner-exp)
+ ('unquote inner-exp)
+ ('unquote-splicing inner-exp))
+ (loop inner-exp prefix))
+ ((first-component . components)
+ (cond
+ ((gettext-keyword? first-component)
+ (error "Double-marked for translation." exp))
+ (else
+ (or
+ (construct-fold-state-msgid-string
+ (fold
+ (lambda (component prev-state)
+ (match prev-state
+ (($ <construct-fold-state> msgid-string maybe-part counter)
+ (let inner-loop ((exp component))
+ (match exp
+ ((or (? symbol?) (? keyword?))
+ (if (not msgid-string)
+ ;; ignore symbols at the beginning
+ prev-state
+ ;; else make a tag for the symbol
+ (make-construct-fold-state
+ msgid-string
+ (string-append maybe-part
+ (tag counter prefix #:flavor 'empty))
+ (1+ counter))))
+ ((? string?)
+ (make-construct-fold-state
+ (string-append (or msgid-string "")
+ maybe-part exp)
+ "" counter))
+ ((? list?)
+ (match exp
+ (() ;ignore empty list
+ prev-state)
+ ((or (singleton)
+ ('quote singleton)
+ ('quasiquote singleton)
+ ('unquote singleton)
+ ('unquote-splicing singleton))
+ (inner-loop singleton))
+ ((components ...)
+ (cond
+ ((and (not (null? components))
+ (member (car components) (%simple-keywords)))
+ ;; if marked for translation, insert inside tag
+ (make-construct-fold-state
+ (string-append (or msgid-string "")
+ maybe-part
+ (tag counter prefix #:flavor 'start)
+ (loop (cadr components)
+ (string-append
+ prefix
+ (number->string counter)
+ "."))
+ (tag counter prefix #:flavor 'end))
+ ""
+ (1+ counter)))
+ ;; else ignore if first
+ ((not msgid-string)
+ prev-state)
+ ;; else make empty tag
+ (else (make-construct-fold-state
+ msgid-string
+ (string-append
+ maybe-part
+ (tag counter prefix #:flavor 'empty))
+ (1+ counter))))))))))))
+ (make-construct-fold-state #f "" 1)
+ exp))
+ (error "Marking for translation yields empty msgid." exp)))))
+ ((? string?) exp)
+ (else (error "Single symbol marked for translation." exp)))))
+(define-record-type <deconstruct-fold-state>
+ (make-deconstruct-fold-state tagged maybe-tagged counter)
+ deconstruct-fold-state?
+ ;; XML-tagged expressions as an association list name->expression:
+ (tagged deconstruct-fold-state-tagged)
+ ;; associate this not-yet-tagged expression with pre if string
+ ;; follows, with post if not:
+ (maybe-tagged deconstruct-fold-state-maybe-tagged)
+ ;; counter for next tag:
+ (counter deconstruct-fold-state-counter))
+(define (deconstruct exp msgstr)
+ "Return an s-expression like EXP, but filled with the content from
+ (define (find-empty-element msgstr name)
+ "Return the regex match structure for the empty tag for XML
+element of type NAME inside MSGSTR. If the element does not exist or
+is more than the empty tag, #f is returned."
+ (string-match (string-append "<" (regexp-quote name) "/>") msgstr))
+ (define (find-element-with-content msgstr name)
+ "Return the regex match structure for the non-empty XML element of
+type NAME inside MSGSTR. Submatch 1 is its content. If the element
+does not exist or is just the empty tag, #f is returned."
+ (string-match (string-append "<" (regexp-quote name) ">"
+ "(.*)"
+ "</" (regexp-quote name) ">")
+ msgstr))
+ (define (get-first-element-name prefix msgstr)
+ "Return the name of the first XML element in MSGSTR whose name
+begins with PREFIX, or #f if there is none."
+ (let ((m (string-match
+ (string-append "<(" (regexp-quote prefix) "[^>/.]+)/?>") msgstr)))
+ (and m (match:substring m 1))))
+ (define (prefix+counter prefix counter)
+ "Return PREFIX with the number COUNTER appended."
+ (string-append prefix (number->string counter)))
+ (let loop ((exp exp)
+ (msgstr msgstr)
+ (prefix ""))
+ (define (unwrap-marked-expression exp)
+ "Return two values for an expression EXP containing a (possibly
+quoted/unquoted) marking for translation with a simple keyword at its
+root. The first return value is a list with the inner expression, the
+second is a procedure to wrap the processed inner expression in the
+same quotes or unquotes again."
+ (match exp
+ (('quote inner-exp)
+ (receive (unwrapped quotation)
+ (unwrap-marked-expression inner-exp)
+ (values unwrapped
+ (lambda (res)
+ (list 'quote (quotation res))))))
+ (('quasiquote inner-exp)
+ (receive (unwrapped quotation)
+ (unwrap-marked-expression inner-exp)
+ (values unwrapped
+ (lambda (res)
+ (list 'quasiquote (quotation res))))))
+ (('unquote inner-exp)
+ (receive (unwrapped quotation)
+ (unwrap-marked-expression inner-exp)
+ (values unwrapped
+ (lambda (res)
+ (list 'unquote (quotation res))))))
+ (('unquote-splicing inner-exp)
+ (receive (unwrapped quotation)
+ (unwrap-marked-expression inner-exp)
+ (values unwrapped
+ (lambda (res)
+ (list 'unquote-splicing (quotation res))))))
+ ((marking . rest) ;list with marking as car
+ ;; assume arg to translate is first argument to marking:
+ (values (list-ref rest 0) identity))))
+ (define (assemble-parenthesized-expression prefix tagged)
+ "Return a parenthesized expression deconstructed from MSGSTR
+with the meaning of XML elements taken from the name->expression
+association list TAGGED. The special tags [prefix]pre and
+[prefix]post are associated with a list of expressions before or after
+all others in the parenthesized expression with the prefix,
+respectively, in reverse order."
+ (append ;prepend pre elements to what is in msgstr
+ (reverse (or (assoc-ref tagged (string-append prefix "pre")) '()))
+ (let assemble ((rest msgstr))
+ (let ((name (get-first-element-name prefix rest)))
+ (cond
+ ((and name (find-empty-element rest name)) =>
+ ;; first XML element in rest is empty element
+ (lambda (m)
+ (cons*
+ (match:prefix m) ;prepend string before name
+ (assoc-ref tagged name) ;and expression for name
+ (assemble (match:suffix m)))))
+ ((and name (find-element-with-content rest name)) =>
+ ;; first XML element in rest has content
+ (lambda (m)
+ (receive (unwrapped quotation)
+ (unwrap-marked-expression (assoc-ref tagged name))
+ (cons*
+ (match:prefix m) ;prepend string before name
+ ;; and the deconstructed element with the content as msgstr:
+ (quotation
+ (loop
+ unwrapped
+ (match:substring m 1)
+ (string-append name ".")))
+ (assemble (match:suffix m))))))
+ (else
+ ;; there is no first element
+ (cons
+ rest ;return remaining string
+ (reverse ;and post expressions
+ (or (assoc-ref tagged (string-append prefix "post")) '())))))))))
+ (match exp
+ (() '())
+ (('quote singleton)
+ (cons 'quote (list (loop singleton msgstr prefix))))
+ (('quasiquote singleton)
+ (cons 'quasiquote (list (loop singleton msgstr prefix))))
+ (('unquote singleton)
+ (cons 'unquote (list (loop singleton msgstr prefix))))
+ (('unquote-splicing singleton)
+ (cons 'unquote-splicing (list (loop singleton msgstr prefix))))
+ ((singleton)
+ (list (loop singleton msgstr prefix)))
+ ((first-component . components)
+ (cond
+ ((gettext-keyword? first-component)
+ ;; another marking for translation
+ ;; -> should be an error anyway; just retain exp
+ exp)
+ (else
+ ;; This handles a single level of a parenthesized expression.
+ ;; assemble-parenthesized-expression will call loop to
+ ;; recurse to deeper levels.
+ (let ((tagged-state
+ (fold
+ (lambda (component prev-state)
+ (match prev-state
+ (($ <deconstruct-fold-state> tagged maybe-tagged counter)
+ (let inner-loop ((exp component) ;sexp to handle
+ (quoting identity)) ;for wrapping state
+ (define (tagged-with-maybes)
+ "Return the value of tagged after adding all
+maybe-tagged expressions. This should be used as the base value for
+tagged when a string or marked expression is seen."
+ (match counter
+ (#f
+ (alist-cons (string-append prefix "pre")
+ maybe-tagged
+ tagged))
+ ((? number?)
+ (let accumulate ((prev-counter counter)
+ (maybes (reverse maybe-tagged)))
+ (match maybes
+ (() tagged)
+ ((head . tail)
+ (alist-cons
+ (prefix+counter prefix prev-counter)
+ head
+ (accumulate (1+ prev-counter) tail))))))))
+ (define (add-maybe exp)
+ "Return a deconstruct-fold-state with EXP
+added to maybe-tagged. This should be used for expressions that are
+neither strings nor marked for translation with a simple keyword."
+ (make-deconstruct-fold-state
+ tagged
+ (cons (quoting exp) maybe-tagged)
+ counter))
+ (define (counter-with-maybes)
+ "Return the old counter value incremented by
+one for each expression in maybe-tagged. This should be used together
+with tagged-with-maybes."
+ (match counter
+ ((? number?)
+ (+ counter (length maybe-tagged)))
+ (#f
+ 1)))
+ (define (add-tagged exp)
+ "Return a deconstruct-fold-state with an
+added association in tagged from the current counter to EXP. If
+MAYBE-TAGGED is not empty, associations for its expressions are added
+to pre or their respective counter. This should be used for
+expressions marked for translation with a simple keyword."
+ (let ((c (counter-with-maybes)))
+ (make-deconstruct-fold-state
+ (alist-cons
+ (prefix+counter prefix c)
+ (quoting exp)
+ (tagged-with-maybes))
+ '()
+ (1+ c))))
+ (match exp
+ (('quote inner-exp)
+ (inner-loop inner-exp
+ (lambda (res)
+ (list 'quote res))))
+ (('quasiquote inner-exp)
+ (inner-loop inner-exp
+ (lambda (res)
+ (list 'quasiquote res))))
+ (('unquote inner-exp)
+ (inner-loop inner-exp
+ (lambda (res)
+ (list 'unquote res))))
+ (('unquote-splicing inner-exp)
+ (inner-loop inner-exp
+ (lambda (res)
+ (list 'unquote-splicing res))))
+ (((? gettext-keyword?) . rest)
+ (add-tagged exp))
+ ((or (? symbol?) (? keyword?) (? list?))
+ (add-maybe exp))
+ ((? string?)
+ ;; elements in maybe-tagged appear between strings
+ (let ((c (counter-with-maybes)))
+ (make-deconstruct-fold-state
+ (tagged-with-maybes)
+ '()
+ c))))))))
+ (make-deconstruct-fold-state '() '() #f)
+ exp)))
+ (match tagged-state
+ (($ <deconstruct-fold-state> tagged maybe-tagged counter)
+ (assemble-parenthesized-expression
+ prefix
+ (match maybe-tagged
+ (() tagged)
+ (else ;associate maybe-tagged with pre or post
+ (alist-cons
+ (cond ;if there already is a pre, use post
+ ((assoc-ref tagged (string-append prefix "pre"))
+ (string-append prefix "post"))
+ (else (string-append prefix "pre")))
+ maybe-tagged
+ tagged))))))))))
+ ((? string?) msgstr)
+ (else (error "Single symbol marked for translation." exp)))))
+;; NOTE: The sgettext macros have no hygiene because they use
+;; datum->syntax and do not preserve the semantics of anything looking
+;; like an sgettext macro. This is an exceptional use case; do not
+;; try this at home.
+(define (sgettext x)
+ "After choosing an identifier for marking s-expressions for
+translation, make it usable by defining a macro with it calling
+sgettext. If for example the chosen identifier is G_,
+use (define-syntax G_ sgettext)."
+ (syntax-case x ()
+ ((id exp)
+ (let* ((msgid (sexp->msgid (syntax->datum #'exp)))
+ (new-exp (deconstruct (syntax->datum #'exp)
+ (gettext msgid))))
+ (datum->syntax #'id new-exp)))))
+;; gettext’s share/gettext/gettext.h tells us we can prepend a msgctxt
+;; and #\eot before a msgid in a gettext call.
+(define (spgettext x)
+ "After choosing an identifier for behavior similar to pgettext:1c,2,
+make it usable like (define-syntax C_ spgettext)."
+ (syntax-case x ()
+ ((id msgctxt exp)
+ (let* ((gettext-context-glue #\eot) ;as defined in gettext.h
+ (lookup (string-append (syntax->datum #'msgctxt)
+ (string gettext-context-glue)
+ (sexp->msgid (syntax->datum #'exp))))
+ (msgstr (car (reverse (string-split (gettext lookup)
+ gettext-context-glue))))
+ (new-exp (deconstruct (syntax->datum #'exp)
+ msgstr)))
+ (datum->syntax #'id new-exp)))))
+(define %plural-numbers
+ ;; Hard-coded list of input numbers such that for each language’s
+ ;; plural formula, for each possible output grammatical number,
+ ;; there is an n among %plural-numbers that yields this output (for
+ ;; any language documented when running “info "(gettext) Plural
+ ;; forms"”), except 1 is omitted from this list because it is a
+ ;; special case for sngettext. That is, calling ngettext with each
+ ;; number from %plural-numbers and with 1 in any locale is
+ ;; guaranteed to return each plural form at least once. It would be
+ ;; more resilient towards new languages if instead of hard-coding we
+ ;; computed this from the Plural-Forms in the MO file header entry,
+ ;; but that is not worth the incurred code complexity.
+ '(0 2 3 11 100))
+(define (sngettext x)
+ "After choosing an identifier for behavior similar to ngettext:1,2,
+make it usable like (define-syntax N_ sngettext). sngettext takes
+into account that not all languages have only singular and plural
+ (syntax-case x ()
+ ((id exp1 exp2 n)
+ (let* ((msgid1 (sexp->msgid (syntax->datum #'exp1)))
+ (msgid2 (sexp->msgid (syntax->datum #'exp2)))
+ (msgstr1 (ngettext msgid1 msgid2 1))
+ (result (acons ;return an association list msgstr->deconstructed
+ ;; msgstr for n=1:
+ msgstr1
+ `(,'unquote ,(deconstruct (syntax->datum #'exp1)
+ msgstr1))
+ ;; other msgstr for n of each plural form:
+ (map
+ (lambda (n)
+ (let ((msgstr (ngettext msgid1 msgid2 n)))
+ (cons msgstr `(,'unquote
+ ,(deconstruct (syntax->datum #'exp2)
+ msgstr)))))
+ %plural-numbers))))
+ (datum->syntax
+ #'id
+ `(,assoc-ref (,'quasiquote ,result)
+ (,ngettext ,msgid1 ,msgid2 ,(syntax->datum #'n))))))))
+(define (snpgettext x)
+ "After choosing an identifier for behavior similar to npgettext:1c,2,3,
+make it usable like (define-syntax NC_ snpgettext)."
+ (syntax-case x ()
+ ((id msgctxt exp1 exp2 n)
+ (let* ((gettext-context-glue #\eot) ;as defined in gettext.h
+ (msgid1 (string-append (syntax->datum #'msgctxt)
+ (string gettext-context-glue)
+ (sexp->msgid (syntax->datum #'exp1))))
+ ;; gettext.h implementation shows: msgctxt is only part of msgid1.
+ (msgid2 (sexp->msgid (syntax->datum #'exp2)))
+ (msgstr1 (car
+ (reverse
+ (string-split
+ (ngettext msgid1 msgid2 1)
+ gettext-context-glue))))
+ (result (acons ;return an association list msgstr->deconstructed
+ ;; msgstr for n=1:
+ msgstr1
+ `(,'unquote ,(deconstruct (syntax->datum #'exp1)
+ msgstr1))
+ ;; other msgstr for n of each plural form:
+ (map
+ (lambda (n)
+ (let ((msgstr (car
+ (reverse
+ (string-split
+ (ngettext msgid1 msgid2 n)
+ gettext-context-glue)))))
+ (cons msgstr `(,'unquote
+ ,(deconstruct (syntax->datum #'exp2)
+ msgstr)))))
+ %plural-numbers))))
+ (datum->syntax
+ #'id
+ `(,assoc-ref (,'quasiquote ,result)
+ (,car
+ (,reverse
+ (,string-split
+ (,ngettext ,msgid1 ,msgid2 ,(syntax->datum #'n))
+ ,gettext-context-glue)))))))))
+(define %linguas
+ (with-input-from-file "po/LINGUAS"
+ (lambda _
+ (let loop ((line (read-line)))
+ (if (eof-object? line)
+ '()
+ ;; else read linguas before comment
+ (let ((before-comment (car (string-split line #\#))))
+ (append
+ (map match:substring (list-matches "[^ \t]+" before-comment))
+ (loop (read-line)))))))))