path: root/apps/media/templates
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'apps/media/templates')
3 files changed, 119 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/apps/media/templates/components.scm b/apps/media/templates/components.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..880d69f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apps/media/templates/components.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+;;; Harmonic Flow web site
+(define-module (apps media templates components)
+ #:use-module (apps aux lists)
+ #:use-module (apps aux web)
+ #:use-module (apps base templates components)
+ #:use-module (apps base utils)
+ #:use-module (apps i18n)
+ #:use-module (apps media types)
+ #:use-module (srfi srfi-1)
+ #:use-module (srfi srfi-19)
+ #:export (screenshot->shtml
+ screenshots-box))
+;;; Components.
+(define (screenshot->shtml shot)
+ "Return an SHTML representation of the given screenshot object.
+ SHOT (<screenshot>)
+ A screenshot object as defined in (apps media types)."
+ `(div
+ (@ (class "screenshot-preview"))
+ (a
+ (@ (href ,(hfweb-url (url-path-join "screenshots"
+ (screenshot-slug shot) ""))))
+ (img
+ (@ (class "responsive-image")
+ (src ,(screenshot-preview shot))
+ (alt "")))
+ (span (@ (class "screenshot-inset-shadow")) ""))
+ (p ,(screenshot-caption shot) (span (@ (class "hidden")) "."))))
+(define* (screenshots-box screenshots #:optional (n 6) #:key shadow)
+ "Return SHTML for a box displaying up to N many SCREENSHOTS randomly
+chosen at build time. If SHADOW is true, a shadow is displayed at the
+ `(div
+ (@ (class ,(string-join `("screenshots-box"
+ ,@(if shadow
+ '("top-shadow-bg")
+ '())))))
+ ,@(map screenshot->shtml (take-random screenshots n)))) \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/apps/media/templates/screenshot.scm b/apps/media/templates/screenshot.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5a32016
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apps/media/templates/screenshot.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+;;; Harmonic Flow web site
+(define-module (apps media templates screenshot)
+ #:use-module (apps base templates theme)
+ #:use-module (apps base types)
+ #:use-module (apps base utils)
+ #:use-module (apps media templates components)
+ #:use-module (apps media types)
+ #:use-module (apps i18n)
+ #:export (screenshot-t))
+(define (screenshot-t context)
+ "Return an SHTML page for the screenshot in the CONTEXT."
+ (let ((shot (context-datum context "screenshot"))
+ (shots (context-datum context "screenshots")))
+ (theme
+ #:title (list (screenshot-title shot) (C_ "webpage title" "screenshot |"))
+ #:description (screenshot-caption shot)
+ #:keywords
+ (string-split ;TRANSLATORS: |-separated list of webpage keywords
+ (G_ "Harmonic Flow|HFGE|Screenshot") #\|)
+ #:active-menu-item (C_ "website menu" "Screenshots")
+ #:css (list (hfweb-url "static/base/css/index.css")
+ (hfweb-url "static/media/css/screenshots.css"))
+ #:crumbs (list (crumb (C_ "website menu" "Screenshots") (hfweb-url "screenshots/"))
+ (crumb (screenshot-title shot) "./"))
+ #:content
+ `(main
+ (section
+ (@ (class "light-text centered-text noise-bg"))
+ (h2
+ (@ (class "a11y-offset"))
+ ,(screenshot-title shot))
+ (div
+ (@ (class "screenshot-viewer"))
+ (img
+ (@ (class "responsive-image centered-block")
+ (src ,(screenshot-image shot))
+ (alt ,(screenshot-caption shot)))))
+ ,(screenshots-box shots #:shadow #t))))))
diff --git a/apps/media/templates/screenshots-overview.scm b/apps/media/templates/screenshots-overview.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fee601b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apps/media/templates/screenshots-overview.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+;;; Harmonic Flow web site
+(define-module (apps media templates screenshots-overview)
+ #:use-module (apps base templates theme)
+ #:use-module (apps base types)
+ #:use-module (apps base utils)
+ #:use-module (apps i18n)
+ #:use-module (apps media templates components)
+ #:export (screenshots-overview-t))
+(define (screenshots-overview-t screenshots)
+ "Return an SHTML page for all SCREENSHOTS."
+ (theme
+ #:title (C_ "webpage title" '("Overview of all available screenshots |"))
+ #:description (G_ "Overview of all available screenshots.")
+ #:keywords
+ (string-split ;TRANSLATORS: |-separated list of webpage keywords
+ (G_ "Harmonic Flow|HFGE|Screenshots|Overview") #\|)
+ #:active-menu-item (C_ "website menu" "Screenshots")
+ #:css (list (hfweb-url "static/base/css/index.css"))
+ #:crumbs (list (crumb (C_ "website menu" "Screenshots") "./"))
+ #:content
+ `(main
+ (section
+ (@ (class "light-text centered-text noise-bg"))
+ ,(screenshots-box screenshots (length screenshots) #:shadow #t)))))