Harmonic Flow website ===================== The Harmonic Flow website available at https://www.harmonicflow.org/ is a static website built with Haunt available from here: https://dthompson.us/projects/haunt.html This directory contains the source files of the website. This website is a modified and simplified version of the freely available GNU Guix website source code available from here: https://git.savannah.gnu.org/cgit/guix/guix-artwork.git/tree/website This modified website source code is therefore licensed under the same license (see COPYING). Development environment ======================= This website is developed using the GNU Guix package manager. Run the following command to install Guix package manager on a Debian GNU/Linux like system: sudo apt install guix Run the following command to install all the software needed to build the website: guix package -m manifest.scm *Note*: the packages guix and haunt should have the same version of Guile, otherwise building the website is slow and raises bunch of warnings. The manifest file takes care. Running the website =================== To try out the website locally while you work on it, run the following commands: cd path/to/hf-web LANG=en_US.UTF-8 HFGE_WEB_SITE_LOCAL=yes guix environment -C -m manifest.scm -E LANG -E HFGE_WEB_SITE_LOCAL --share=/tmp -- haunt build Using above command, the raw generated HTML files can be found here: /tmp/harmonicflow.org/public_html Serve locally ============= Run the following command to serve locally: LANG=en_US.UTF-8 guix environment -CN -m manifest.scm -E LANG --share=/tmp -- haunt serve -w Then, visit the following url in a web browser: http://localhost:8080/en/index.html You can stop the server pressing CTRL+c twice. Copying ======= See the file 'COPYING' for license information. Graphics ======== Public domain 2015 Luis Felipe López Acevedo and Andreas Widen 2023. All the graphics in this directory are dedicated to the public domain, except for the Harmonic Flow logo (navigation bar logo to the left), which can be used under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.