;;; Harmonic Flow web site (define-module (apps base templates home) #:use-module (apps base templates components) #:use-module (apps base templates theme) #:use-module (apps base types) #:use-module (apps base utils) #:use-module (apps blog templates components) #:use-module (apps media templates components) #:use-module (apps media types) #:use-module (apps i18n) #:export (home-t)) (define (home-t context) "Return the Home page in SHTML using the data in CONTEXT." (theme #:title (C_ "webpage title" '("HFGE 3D engine, coding and free software |")) #:description (G_ "This website is dedicated to free software primarily in the area of graphics engines but also free software in general.") #:keywords (string-split ;TRANSLATORS: |-separated list of webpage keywords (G_ "Harmonic Flow|HFGE|Free Software|C++|Libre software|Engine|Game Engine|Graphics|3D|2D|Programming|Vulkan") #\|) #:active-menu-item (C_ "website menu" "Overview") #:css (list (hfweb-url "static/base/css/item-preview.css") (hfweb-url "static/base/css/index.css")) #:content `(main ;; Featured content. (section (@ (class "featured-content")) ,(G_ `(h2 (@ (class "a11y-offset")) "Summary")) (ul ;; Libre: ,(G_ `(li ,(G_ `(b "Libre.")) ,(G_ (link-yellow #:label " HFGE" #:url (hfweb-url "hfge-about/"))) " will be distributed under the zlib license. This license allows you to use HFGE freely in any software (it respects your freedom). " )) ;; Vulkan: ,(G_ `(li ,(G_ `(b "Vulkan.")) ,(G_ (link-yellow #:label " HFGE" #:url (hfweb-url "hfge-about/"))) " comes with a modern, low level, low overhead, cross platform renderer in the form of Vulkan (additional renderers can be added as plugins if needed)." )) ;; Cross platform: ,(G_ `(li ,(G_ `(b "Cross platform.")) ,(G_ (link-yellow #:label " HFGE" #:url (hfweb-url "hfge-about/"))) " will initially support Windows and GNU/Linux. More platforms such as Android will be added later on." )) ;; Tools: ,(G_ `(li ,(G_ `(b "Tools.")) ,(G_ (link-yellow #:label " HFGE" #:url (hfweb-url "hfge-about/"))) " comes with a few useful tools for generating bitmap fonts, texture atlases, resource archives and a hash checksum tool." )) ) (div (@ (class "action-box centered-text")) ,(button-big #:label (C_ "button" "MORE INFO") #:url (hfweb-url "hfge-about/") #:light #true) " " ; A space for readability in non-CSS browsers. ,(button-big #:label (C_ "button" "DOWNLOAD") #:url (hfweb-url "hfge-download/") #:light #true))) ;; Screenshots: (section (@ (class "discovery-box")) ,(G_ `(h2 "Screenshots")) ,(G_ `(p (@ (class "limit-width centered-block")) "A few early development screenshots of " ,(G_ (link-yellow #:label "HFGE" #:url (hfweb-url "hfge-about/"))) " in action.")) ,(screenshots-box (context-datum context "screenshots")) ;;,(horizontal-separator #:light #true) ) ;; Latest Blog posts: (section (@ (class "centered-text")) ,(G_ `(h2 "Blog")) ,@(map post-preview (context-datum context "posts")) (div (@ (class "action-box centered-text")) ,(button-big #:label (C_ "button" "ALL POSTS") #:url (hfweb-url "blog/")))) )))