;;; Harmonic Flow web site (define-module (apps blog utils) #:use-module (apps aux lists) #:use-module (apps aux web) #:use-module (apps i18n) #:use-module (haunt post) #:use-module (ice-9 match) #:use-module (srfi srfi-1) #:use-module (srfi srfi-19) #:use-module (syntax-highlight) #:use-module (syntax-highlight scheme) #:use-module (syntax-highlight lexers) #:export (post-groups->tag-list post-url-path posts/latest syntax-highlight change-image-to-video tag-first? tag-system-path tag-url-path)) (define (post-groups->tag-list groups) "Return a list of Haunt tags from the list of grouped posts. GROUPS (association list) An association list of tags mapped to posts, as returned by the posts/group-by-tag procedure from (haunt post) module." (cond ((null? groups) '()) (else (cons (car (first groups)) (post-groups->tag-list (rest groups)))))) (define (post-url-path post) "Return a URL path for the POST in the form blog/YYYY/POST-SLUG. POST () A post object as defined in (haunt post) module." ;; Note: End the path with a slash so 'localized-root-path' down the road ;; prepends the language tag. (url-path-join "blog" (date->string (post-date post) "~Y") (post-slug post) "")) (define (posts/latest posts n) "Return the latest N posts from the given list of posts." (let ((latest-posts (posts/reverse-chronological posts))) (cond ((null? posts) '()) ((<= (length posts) n) latest-posts) (else (list-head latest-posts n))))) (define (tag-first? tag-a tag-b) "Return true if TAG-A goes first than TAG-B alphabetically. This predicate is used for sorting tags. TAG-A, TAG-B (string) A tag as used by Haunt posts. For example: 'User interface'." (stringsxml ;; (highlight lex-scheme/guix code-snippet)))) ((tag ('@ attributes ...) body ...) `(,tag (@ ,@attributes) ,@(map syntax-highlight body))) ((tag body ...) `(,tag ,@(map syntax-highlight body))) ((? string? str) str))) (define (change-image-to-video sxml) "Replace tags in SXML that refer to WebM videos with proper