#!/bin/sh # # Generate html archive: # get todays date in format XXXX-XX-XX: DATE=`date +%Y-%m-%d` # archive file name: ARCHIVE_NAME="$DATE-hf-web-generated-html.tar.gz" # tmp directory where generated html will reside: TMP_DIR=/tmp/harmonicflow.org # make sure guix and related packages are installed properly: sudo apt install guix sudo guix package -m manifest.scm # make sure old tmp folder is deleted before proceeding: if [ ! -d "$TMP_DIR" ]; then rm -rf $TMP_DIR echo "Removed old '$TMP_DIR' dir.." fi # generate the raw html in /tmp/harmonicflow.org: LANG=en_US.UTF-8 HFGE_WEB_SITE_LOCAL=yes guix environment -C -m manifest.scm -E LANG -E HFGE_WEB_SITE_LOCAL --share=/tmp -- haunt build # make sure 'index.html' reside in public_html root too: cp $TMP_DIR/public_html/en/index.html $TMP_DIR/public_html/ # create the archive: tar -cpvzf $ARCHIVE_NAME $TMP_DIR # and so it seems: echo "Done.."